Sunday, October 08, 2006

Small prgramming enhancements to OMap 1.0ff

I have just made tiny programming enhancements to OMap 1.0ff since its release, last Thursday. I would like to call the current release of OyajiMapper as OMap 1.0ff from now on. ff means Firefox. I will never make another release like OMap 1.0ie. When it works also on Microsfot's Internet Explore. I will just remove ff. The enhancements I made are very small thing such as:
  • Display small indicators like "display map" and "hide map" at the right bottom corner of the posts where any links OMap will handle exist
  • Give more sign also to img tags which are between a tags whose href contain Google Maps URL
The code of these enhancements is seperated from the main JavaScript file of OMap, OyajiMapper.js. You don't see any code there. You will see only some dummy functions as entry points to enhancement code such as:
  • function OMapCreateMessageAreaExtension(div_post) { }
  • function OMapCreateGmapExtension(map_area, lng, lat) { }
  • function OMapDisplayMapExtension(anchor, map_area, map) { }
  • function OMapInitExtensionImgTagCheck(anchor) { }
(I would like to add, if possible, another function here to find out the zoom level from the URL, which seems to me &z=, and use it the zoom level when the map is dissplayed by the first click in the post.) These functions are implemented in another JavaScript file, OyajiMapperExtensions.js. This separation makes the current main JavaScript file, OyajiMapper.js more independent of its enhancemnts. This site doesn't link the extnsions JavaScript file. So you can only experience behaviors the main JavaScript file gives to the pages. You can see the enhanced behaviors at the other site, whose author requested these enhancements. I will put two JavaScript files together into one file after tuning the current main JavaScript code . I know the enhacement code is not beautifull, so I need to rewrite it, as well. I will release OMap 1.1ff in a few weeks, whose code will include the enhancemnt and have more abstraction level for futher enhancements.

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