Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Functions by OMap 1.3

OMap 1.3 introduces new functions for blogging. Let me summarize them as follow:

Photo marker

Your Flickr Photo can be used a marker in the map by including animg tag in a map link like

After taking a rest at <a href="http://maps.google.com/maps?key=ABQIAAAAkS41J6-HBoJpLyLJXqmzTxTqk2QfI72xHMsR7rgFOegqpKgRnxQMU-pwEWbFdN96JlccciIb1p9Xzw&ie=UTF8&amp;amp;amp;z=18&ll=35.732244,139.76746&amp;spn=0.00219,0.003433&om=1">a cafe
<img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/143/330883828_a772e1c6da_s.jpg" />
</a> in Nishinippori, 

The source image must be a 75px square photo whose filename ends widh "_s.jpg". OMap: Nishinippori, Yanaka, Ueno (OMapPhotoMarker) is a sample post using photo marker.


Sample: OMap: Nishinippori, Yanaka, Ueno (OMapRoute)

Photo list

Sample: OMap: Nishinippori, Yanaka, Ueno (OMapPhotoList)

Place holders

Sample: OMap: Nishinippori, Yanaka, Ueno (OMapPhotoList, OMapFramePH, OMapPhotoPH)


Sample: OMap: Nishinippori, Yanaka, Ueno (OMapMarkerWorkArea)

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